Jay Perron
Jay Perron has over 15 years of experience working with global corporations, trade associations and Congressional leadership to advance their Washington policy agendas. He is an expert at implementing a legislative and political strategy, building stakeholder relationships and cultivating exposure within Congress, the business community and the Administration. Jay maintains strong relationships with both House and Senate Republican leadership.
Prior to joining Prism Group, Jay was Vice President at America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the leading advocate for the health insurance industry. He helped guide AHIP through the tumultuous “repeal and replace” debate of 2017 and advocated in policy areas related to Medicare Advantage, employer-sponsored insurance, and the delay of the health insurance tax. Previously, Jay led the federal advocacy team for the International Franchise Association (IFA) directing a broad range of issues for the association including workforce policy, tax reform, implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and immigration reform. He was selected as a 2013 leading lobbyist by Association Trends for his work on behalf of IFA. Jay has also advocated on behalf of IBM on issues related to international trade, patent reform legislation, and labor and pension issues. Jay is a graduate of Saint Joseph's University.